Monday, June 18, 2012

A Little Encounter

This is my latest work for an exhibition "EXI(S)T #1 : Maps, Reimagined"
26 May - 10 June 2012, at Dia.Lo.Gue Artspace.

-> The Curatorial by Mitha Budhyarto

Some I quoted:
"For this exhibition, the chosen theme had the specific purpose of digging deeper into how each artist negotiates their positions within all the different maps that they are located in in their everyday lives...
..Here, mapping is understood in terms of how one imagines it to be, and the artists are invited to envision their very positions and the different relationships that influence those very positions, in a way that they have never done before."

photo(the exhibition): Tasya Liem

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you just made..a lovely website <3!